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Spring Fishing Crappie Tips / Crappie Fishing Kawartha Lakes, Ontario


Updated: Feb 8, 2023

There are some great Spring crappie fishing tips for site fishing crappie without a bobber. This video is a crappie fishing vlog style video where you can actually learn through watching us fish black crappie in shallow water. On this day we were primarily catch our crappie sight fishing. Over three quarters of In this video you will learn the spring crappie fishing lures we use for sight fishing as well as some spring crappie fishing secrets for stubborn black crappie. Crappie fishing in Ontario is one of my favourite thing to do all year especially when you can target them by eye and with out a float. Hopefully you'll learn a few crappie fishing secrets from watching this video. Sight fishing for black crappie near or on the spawn ranks number one with me. It's definitely is one of the most exciting crappie fishing techniques! If you love fishing you'll define love sight fishing for Black Crappie here in Ontario. If you want to see more check out my crappie playlist. For more spring crappie fishing tips check them out if you have time!

What is the best month to catch crappie?

Think spring!

Crappie are attracted to woody cover regardless of the time of year. A good rule of thumb is to fish shallow during spring and fall, then fish deep during summer and winter.

What time of day is best for crappie fishing?

Evening And Early Morning In the case of crappie, the best time to catch them is during their feeding time, which is most frequently between the hours of midnight and 2 am. Additionally, during dawn and dusk can be good times to catch them, with many of them also feeding during these twilight hours.

What temperature is best for crappie fishing?

68°F to 72°F Water temperatures around the upper-50°F to 60°F range begin to bring crappies shallow into spawning areas. Peak spawning activity generally occurs at water temps of 68°F to 72°F for both black and white crappies.

What is the best bait for crappie fishing?

Minnows Minnows, worms, insects. Just about anything can catch a crappie's attention. You don't have to worry about the color of the bait, and you're only throwing them what they would be eating anyway. Minnows are hands-down the favorite used by most, and some even tip a jig with a live minnow.

How to Catch Crappie without a Bobber

Catching crappie without a bobber isn't just possible - it's easy! All you need is the right bait and the right technique, and you can have a successful and enjoyable fishing experience. In this blog, we will explain the basic techniques of catching crappie without a bobber so that you can have a more effective and rewarding fishing experience.

1. Understand Your Baits

Before you try to catch crappie without a bobber, it is important to understand the baits that you are using. Crappie respond to a variety of different bait combinations, as long as they are presented appropriately. Whether your bait of choice is live bait, artificial lures, or jigs, it is best to understand how each bait works and which techniques work best with them. This will help you get the most out of your fishing experience and increase your chances of success.

2. Use the Right Technique

The next step to successful crappie fishing without a bobber is to use the right technique. One of the most popular techniques for this is jigging, which requires a jig-head and a soft plastic bait. This technique will allow you to effectively cover an area for long periods of time, and best of all, it is easy to master. However, you can also use other techniques, such as horizontal jigging or dragging, to find crappie. It is important to remember that no single technique is the best and that it is important to find a combination of techniques that will yield the best results.

3. Switch Up Your Bait

An often overlooked technique for catching crappie is to switch up your bait. Although crappie are attracted to a variety of different bait combinations, they often prefer one type of bait over another. For this reason, it is important to switch up your bait every now and then to keep them interested and to try different combinations that they may not have seen before. This can mean anything from using different colors or sizes of jigs to switching between live bait and artificial lures.

4. Slow Down

One of the biggest factors when trying to catch crappie without a bobber is to remember to slow down. Many crappie anglers make the mistake of trying to fish too quickly, which can often scare off the fish rather than attract them. You should slow down your presentation and make sure that you are presenting your bait consistently. This will allow the crappie to see your bait and attract them.

5. Try Different Depths

The depth in which you fish for crappie is another important factor when trying to catch them without a bobber. Crappie will often move up and down in the water column in order to feed, so it is important to be aware of this and be prepared to try different depths. Some anglers will switch between deeper and shallower depths in order to try and catch the most fish, so experiment with different depths to see what works best.

6. Experiment

Finally, the key to success when it comes to fishing without a bobber is to experiment. Every angler has their own preference when it comes to techniques and baits that work best for them, so it is important to experiment with different techniques and bait combinations to see what works best for you. This experimentation will help you become a successful angler and ensure that you are getting the best out of your fishing experience.

Catching crappie without a bobber is a simple and effective way to improve your chances of a successful catch. By understanding the baits and techniques, as well as switching up your bait and experimenting with different depths, you can make sure that you are having the most successful fishing experience possible. So grab your tackle box and get to work on developing your own techniques and bait combinations - you won't regret it!

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