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Asian Grass Carp *STOP* the ASIAN Carp INVASION!!!


Asian Grass Carp pose a serious threat to our fish and wildlife in North America. In this video will learn how to identify asian carp (grass) and you'll learn what to do if you catch a grass carp fishing. I know asian carp hitting people seems like a problem but its minor compared to the bigger scale damage they can do. If we follow a few steps you'll see in this video you can help slow or stop the Asian Carp invasion. If we don't do anything about it all we could be doing is Asian Carp Fishing because the other species could be potentially wiped out. It would be a sad when when we could no longer see our species native to us. It is possible that the only species we see in the future is Asian Carp jumping out of water!! Very bad!! Jimmy will have to make a grass carp catch and cook mix... No more perch powder because there will be no perch left! And I could become full time Asian Carp guide.... so boring fishing only one species!!! PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO TO HELP PRESERVE OUR WILDLIFE! Here are some great resources below to help learn about this potential threat: Grass Carp Identification and Reporting Guide Confused With Carp Page Asian Carp Canada Website Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Grass Carp Video

Physical Description

The body of a grass carp is oblong shaped with a slightly flattened head and moderately small eyes centered on the side of the head. They are covered with large overlapping scales, and coloration varies from blackish to olive-brown with brassy or silvery-white on the sides and belly. Scales on the back and sides are outlined by pigment giving a cross-hatched effect.

Preferred Habitat

Grass carp prefer large, slow flowing water bodies and spawn in large rivers with moderate currents. Egg survival and larval development is best in waters at 64° Fahrenheit, but adults can tolerate water temperatures ranging from 32 to 100° Fahrenheit.


Grass carp feed on aquatic plants but can also consume detritus, insects, small fish, earthworms and other invertebrates in the absence of aquatic vegetation. This species can consume up to 40 percent of their body weight per day. By eating such huge quantities of plant biomass, they can significantly alter the composition of habitat by reducing food sources, shelter and spawning areas for native fish. Also, because they can only digest about half of the plant material that they consume each day, the remaining material is expelled into the water, enriching it with nutrients which promotes algal blooms.


Grass carp mature in 2 years, but it can take them more than a decade to grow to a maximum size of more than 80 pounds.

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